6S Training


Workplace organisation is a critical part of a company’s lean journey and its integrated visual management. It engages the organisation in reflecting how they are currently working and how all levels of the organisation support each other. The pro-cess used to enable this is 6S.
6S consists of a series of steps to organise the workplace in the safest, cleanest and most efficient manner. It is a structured approach which ensures that both the employee and the team take responsibility for their work area, while at the same time, developing their process improvement skills. Who Should Attend 6S is a team tool and should be used by all the team members. KDC’s 6S training course is designed for management, team leaders and supervisors responsible for leading the elimination of waste in the business processes. Training is applicable in all industries and any business size. What’s covered? 6S is a key methodology to identifying waste and finding practical solutions to improving the efficiency of the work area, whether it is on the production floor, or in the office environment.

Day 1

• Initial 6S training, including the principles, purpose and benefits

• Implementation of the first 6S step – SORT in selected pilot area(s)

• Discuss and establish a Red Tag process to make the SORT step a habit

• Training in Set-in-Order

• By the end of Day 1, the SORT and SET steps will be started in a pilot area(s) and actions listed will be commenced for handover to the project manager

Day 2

• Establish the visual conventions such as; labels format, sizes, fonts, colour code and floor markings.

• Implementation of the second 6S step – Set-In-Order in selected pilot area(s)

• Training in Shine and Standardise.

• Implementation of the third and fourth step – Shine and Standardise in pilot area(s)

• Training in Sustain

Day 3

• Establish an audit process that management will use in order to ensure the other S’s become habits amongst the team.

• Implement the fifth step – Sustain in the selected pilot area(s)

• Review the implementation the plan for the rollout of workplace organisation and visual management in the organisation.

• The purpose of 6S and its relationship to Visual Management

• How to implement 6S in the workplace

• Why 6S should become a habit